AMSIG Foot And Ankle Imaging Conference
Posted May 16, 2017

During May, members of the Radius team attended the 21st Australasian Musculoskeletal Imaging Group (AMSIG) Annual Scientific Meeting in Melbourne. The group provides a forum for the professional development of musculoskeletal imaging in Australia and New Zealand, as well as promoting education in musculoskeletal imaging, liaison with other similar groups internationally and representation on various government bodies. The conference brought together over 300 attendees, with the invitation extended to all radiologists, sports medicine physicians, radiographers/sonographers, podiatrists and physiotherapists.
Run over two days, this year’s topic was Foot and Ankle Imaging. Presenters included experts in musculoskeletal radiology, foot and ankle orthopaedic surgeons, physiotherapists and musculoskeletal pain physicians.
Day one presentations included:
- MRI and Ultrasound of the Forefoot
- Radiofrequency Ablation of Morton’s Neuroma
- Minimally Invasive Foot Surgery
- Mid Tarsal Sprain Injuries
- MRI of AFL Calf Strains
- Imaging of Tears of Soleal Aponeurosis Strains
- Structure, Function and Pain; Making Sense of The Relationships
- Achilles Tendon Surgery
- Nerve Pathology
- Weight-Bearing CT of Ankle Syndesmosis Injury
- Weight-Bearing CT in the Assessment of Lisfranc Ligament Injury
- Masses about the Ankle and Foot
Day two presentations included:
- Calf/Popliteal Artery Entrapment Syndrome
- Imaging of Foot Injuries in Ballerinas and Dancers
- MRI Lumbar PARS Techniques
- Distal Musculotendinous Junction Injuries of Biceps Femoris
The aim of the conference for our staff was to come away having furthered their knowledge of imaging techniques and pathologies of the foot and ankle. The extent of the topics covered achieved this, and also offered insight into follow-up and management of foot and ankle injuries not otherwise seen. A particular focus was on sports injuries and their presentation and imaging appearance on MRI. Most importantly this is then able to be translated to practice, giving our patients the most up-to-date knowledge and service.
More information on topics, presenters and future events can be found on the AMSIG website.
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