
Author: Sophie

What's been happening at Radius? We actively encourage and support our staff to update and maintain their skills, so we can continue to offer the best services to our patients and referrers.

’Choosing Wisely’ @ Western Victoria Primary Health Network

Posted March 9, 2016

Radius’ Clinical Director Dr Ian Revfem presented to WVPHNs Family Friendly Group regarding imaging clinical decision rules to support appropriate referrals. The ‘Choosing Wisely’ campaign urges clinicians to perform less unnecessary scans in order to decrease the potential harm to patients and to target healthcare resources more efficiently based on recommendations by The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Radiologists (RANZCR).  

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Education Weekend @ Radius – ‘Ultrasound Redefined’ by Stephen Bird

Posted October 10, 2015

Radius hosted their first education weekend in October, presented by sonographer and educator Stephen Bird. Stephen provided an entertaining and extremely informative two days, sharing his knowledge and practical skills on everything from musculoskeletal scans to hernias. The workshop was attended by all Radius sonography staff, radiologists, visiting sonographers, physiotherapists and podiatrists.

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